March 02, 2017

“For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body.” – 1 Corinthians 12:14-15

Have you ever heard anyone say, “There’s nothing special I can do; I just don’t have any purpose in life?” We live in a culture today that puts so much emphasis on the wrong thing. After all, if you’re not young or beautiful, what is there for you?

I’ve noticed a very interesting thing among teenagers (this often goes for adults, too). Have you noticed, especially when talking about physical features, everyone will tell you what they think is their major physical defect? You look at this gorgeous person, and think, “Wow, what would it be like to look like that?”

I promise you, that person will tell you, “I’m not gorgeous, my nose is too long, or my eyes are too small, or my teeth are crooked, or I walk funny, or I’m too short, or I’m too tall.” Our own perspective of ourselves is often very negative. Yet, all of that is totally irrelevant, even though our culture does not view it that way. What does the Bible say about our purpose in life?

God has made you for a unique and special reason. Examine your own likes and dislikes: what you are really good at and what you are not good at, what is really interesting and fun to you and what is not. Do this! It’s extremely important!

“Why does it matter,” you ask me? It matters because you were designed by God to be you! You have a unique place and reason for being here that no one else has. You may think, “There are a million other people who are just like me.” Not true! Many people may be similar to you, but they are never exactly like you. You are a unique part of the world God has placed you in, and you are needed. No one else is exactly like you. So, without you, something would be missing.

Examine just who you are, and you will have taken one gigantic step toward finding your purpose in life.