“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6: 14
There’s no denying that marriage is difficult.
With a divorce rate hovering somewhere between 40%-50%, it’s easy to see the challenges and difficulties facing spouses in a marriage.
So what does God have to say on the subject? How can we experience the kind of marriage that God desires – the kind of marriage that not only lasts, but grows deeper and richer with each passing year?
Let me get this out the way from the beginning: Marriage never turns out exactly as we planned.
Life has a way of throwing out obstacles that can unsettle even the strongest couple. For this reason, it’s critical to be on the same page when it comes to your faith.
This brings us to the primary principle when it comes to experiencing marriage the way God intended:
Christians are commanded to marry a fellow believer.
Why is this so important? Because faith is central to one’s priorities and values; it’s essentially a huge part of who each of us is as a person.
I’m not referring to the casual, cultural Christian, but a person who is committed to Christ. It’s obvious that when a Buddhist marries a Baptist or an Atheist marries a Christian, there will be conflicts at the core of their being. Over time, these core differences in priorities, belief, and world view will drive a wedge in that relationship – causing that couple who fell in love to drift apart.
If Christ is the ultimate priority in your life, then choose a spouse with the same priority.
It just makes sense.
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