“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”
Luke 5:16
Have you ever made this statement?
I just don’t have time to pray!
I have a question:
If you don’t have time to pray, how will you ever truly know the Father and His will for you each day?
Even Jesus modeled spending time with God by regularly setting aside time to pray.
Now, Jesus is God, so why would God (Jesus) pray to God (the Father)? I can’t fully explain the mystery of the three in one relationship between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – but I can tell you that Jesus’ ultimate goal throughout His ministry on earth was walking 100% in His Father’s will. This meant staying close to His Father and prioritizing His time with God (the Father) over everything else. Before work, ministry, friends and even family – His Father always came first.
If Jesus prioritized time with His Father, then so should His followers. Our ultimate desire in life should be to stay close to our Heavenly Father through prayer and reading His Word in order to fulfill His will. It’s about saying, “No matter what my schedule looks like or what pressures I’m facing, my number one purpose in life is my relationship with God. Everything else comes second.”
When we choose to put God first, we choose to spend time with Him. We won’t worry about checking off a list of rules, rather building our relationship with the One True God by spending time alone with Him.
Jesus did.
Shouldn’t you?
Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH
Read “Seeking God’s Will Through Prayer” also by Bryant Wright