December 17, 2023

“…seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.”  

Matthew 13:13

Christmases come and Christmases go, but there are always those who miss out on experiencing the real meaning of Christmas. 

It’s always been that way, and the first Christmas was no different.

For example:

The Innkeeper: He was too busy –  a full hotel with so many customer needs.  He had no time or place in his inn for Jesus at Christmas.

Religious leaders around King Herod: When the wise men came inquiring about the birth of a kingly Messiah, the religious leaders told Herod that God’s word pointed them toward Bethlehem.  Yet, they were so focused on staying close to worldly power that they didn’t take God’s Word seriously. They preferred to stay where they were rather than seek after this Messiah. They too, missed Jesus at Christmas.

King Herod: He tried to eliminate Christmas before it even got off the ground – to remove Jesus from Christmas. Even today, there are people still seeking to use political power and influence for this same goal.

What about you?

Will you miss Christmas as well?  

In the midst of all the holiday festivities and commotion, make sure that you pause and find Jesus.

When you seek Jesus, you’ll be sure to never miss another Christmas again!

Merry Christmas!

Written by Bryant Wright, Founder, RFTH


Read “Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?” at